I still think the toner is not worth that extra step. Although having said that I guess if you are a lazy moo like me and use wipes instead of a facial wash then its no bad thing to tone, just to get skin that extra bit clean.
The moisturiser. Hmm. It is nice enough, but being a 31 year old mother of two kids, who doesn't sleep well I feel that it is just too, er, Simple! It is what I would imagine would be a perfect moisturiser for those who are young, wrinkle free and fresh faced! But I feel that my skin needs more softening, hard working ingredients, ones that I can really feel working and keep the smoothness going all day. This appears to lose its softening powers after a few hours. The more I use it, the less time it keeps my face hydrated and soft.
I will carry on with it for a few more days, otherwise it will go in the travel pack and be taken on holiday, being travel sized and all!