Friday, 24 August 2012

NOTD - 2 True Crystal Polish Shade 3

Well looky here, we have a so called 'drug store' polish on my blog! As you may tell I don't do these often but recently had a polish splurge and some offers in Superdrug tempted me!

This is the amazingly named Shade 3 by 2 True and is limited edition so not sure how long this is available for. 

This is a real sparkler, the photos do not do it justice! I would also like to point out that these pictures were taken on day 7, yep SEVEN and only minimal tipwear and my next confession is that I was too lazy to do a topcoat, so not only did it last this long before I got bored, it lasted that long on its lonesome!

This polish is a teal base with teal, turquoise and lilac micro glitter, which I just couldn't photograph!

Just amazing!

2 True polishes are £1.99 each from Superdrug, or 3 for £5 and when I bought mine I got a free polish from there permanent range for free too but not sure that is still on!

I can't wait to try the other two crystal polishes I got!

Monday, 20 August 2012

Me, my weight and I!

of my weight that is! I have become a bit stuck, I go between eating rubbish and barely eating depending on my mood. I managed a solitary Zumba class since the holidays started and now my instructor is off until the kids go back anyway! Last week I stepped on the scales and was 15st 13.5lb, so close to going back into the 16's! Scared me a bit as I don't want to get back to there. So cut back a bit and as pleased when the scales showed 15st 10.5lb. But I know I can do better, I have devised a fitness plan I can do while the small people are off school and I have taken some measurements as well as my weight so even on the days the scales don't shift I can check those too. My mum is back to bike riding so 3 or 4 times a week, once the kids go back, I am dragging her with me to the woods and she can cycle and I can run, I love running and want to get back into it. Coupled with Zumba and some light weights plus a healthier attitude to food and I will start shifting weight again I will also be using this website as its really good for keeping track of things and its FREE!

Cheap find! Pound shop version of.....

Bourjois 1 Second polish remover! I have yet to try that as I remove polish so much I just buy a cheap bottle of remover from Sainsbury's and £6 on a remover when I can get polish, well, the polish wins!

So I frequent my towns new Poundshop after finding a couple of Sally Hansen gems so go in after a restock, one day this caught my eye!

As some of you know removing glitter can be a pain, even if it is over a base coat, 2 coats of regular polish and a topcoat so I really did test this to its full potential!

Now, being a bit cheap it stunk to high heaven and the sponge was a bit meh! 

Wrong finger for the last shot but this is basically what you do, you put your finger in, leave it a few seconds, and as the name says, twist and pull!

Overall I am pretty impressed! I will say that I did have to kind of smoosh my nails round the sides to lift off the glitter properly and some nails took a few seconds of keeping them in the pot but it worked as well as my foil method! 

If removing glitter you will need to wash your hands thoroughly as the glitter in the pot transferred to my fingers haha!

For £1 this is a bit of a gem and one I will stock up on again!

Check your Poundshops (the official one!) and see what make-up gems you can find!