Thank you to Rachael from http://islandgirlinsights.blogspot.com/ for letting me pinch this, the child in me loves these!
1) Answer the following questions.
2) Send the tag onto 5 other bloggers.
3) Make sure the 5 bloggers you passed the tag onto know about it.
1) How many nail polishes do you have?
I have 65 polishes, not including top coats, base coats, treatments and drying drops!
2) What is your favorite brand of nail polish?
Well 47 of said polish collection is made up of OPI, so guess that is a giveaway!
3) Do you like or hate crackle polish?
Tried it, hated it! Looked too chipped to me and I disliked it.
4) What was the brand of your very first nail polish?
Rimmel, even remember the colour it was Silver Bullet!
5) If you had a nail polish line, what would it be called?
oooh, that's a hard one. Think as a whole it was be Mad Mothers Make-up!
6) What nail polish color do not look good on you?
Bronze, warm nudes, browns and any warm colours. They give me the dreaded banana fingers as I am cool toned!
7) What nail polish shades do look good on you?
Darks, reds, pinks, green, silver, blue and I can get away with some golds
8) Name 2 of your nail art best friends.
Glitter polish and the tin foil technique!
9) What is the best nail polish gift you have ever received?
I haven't ever received it as a present, friends are a bit scared to buy me polish as I have quite the obsession!
10) Make a speech about the blogger than gave you this award.
Rachael has the best hair ever. Fact!
Who do I tag?
Being low on followers, anyone who wants to do this haha
Please leave me your link if you do this too :)
Hahaha I love your speech! Brilliant! Loved your answers too :) xxx